Salmon Creek Farm pork ribeye steak, 1-1.5 pounds
Snake River Farms beef tallow
Salt and pepper
2 cups Zursun Middle Eastern Couscous
Shallot, diced
Mushrooms (chestnut, golden oyster, Mediterranean oysters)
½ orange
½ lime
2 tablespoons Idaho Olive and Grape Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1.5 cups Ballard Farms Huckleberry Cheddar Cheese
Idaho Olive and Grape Shallot Garlic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Chicken Dinner White Wine, a few tablespoons
Sun Valley Mustard (Chardonnay), a heaping tablespoon
1.5 cups heavy cream
Salt and pepper
Cook two cups of Zursun Middle Eastern Couscous, an Idaho heirloom, in water as directions mandate and set aside.
Coat skillet with a couple tablespoons of Snake River Farms Beef Wagyu tallow, which is so good that the Meat and Potato Company can’t keep it in stock. Season pork steaks with salt and pepper and lay them in the skillet. Let sizzle for a couple minutes, then turn. Let them cook a couple more minutes and remove from pan.
Pour a few tablespoons of Chicken Dinner white wine made in southwest Idaho in the skillet. Add a heaping tablespoon of Sun Valley Mustard Chardonnay. Add 1.5 cups heavy cream and stir.
Add 1.5 cups diced Huckleberry Cheddar Cheese from Ballard Farms in Gooding and stir. Cook for 10 to 12 minutes until you get beautiful bubbles.
Coat a skillet with a couple tablespoons of Idaho Olive and Grape Shallot Garlic Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Add sliced mushrooms, diced shallot, and diced garlic and saute. Add salt and pepper. After couple minutes, add cooked couscous and stir a few times. Take off burner and let sit. Squeeze the juice of a half orange and a half lime over the couscous. Add a little zest from each.
Spoon couscous onto plate. Lay sliced pork slices, which have been sliced against the grain, on top. Top with sauce and garnish with parsley.